HERE IS SPONSORS EMAIL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Dear Sponsors, The hate is getting awful. You sponsor The View and on Thursday, Whoopie Golddberg was not only hateful and rude to Judge Jeannie Piro on air, but followed her after kicking her off of the show and spit at her and yelled the f word at her as well. Is this the kind of image you want your product to represent? This type of behavior is not only hateful, but it is highly offensive as well. As a result, as a consumer, I will not use your product if you continue to sponsor this type of awful behavior. I speak with my wallet and I will resoundingly boycott your goods and services if you continue to sponsor Whoopie Goldberg and The View. Sincerely, ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HERE IS DISNEY EMAIL,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Dear ABC, I am a very disgruntled American after seeing Whoopie Goldberg's despicable behavior to Judge Jeannine, both on air and off. The View invited Judge Jeannine to appear on the show, but treated her very disrespectfully. That is not how you treat a guest. Period. As a consumer, I speak loudly and clearly with my pocketbook and right now, I am shutting my pocketbook to your sponsors unless Whoopie is taken off air. An apology will not be good enough. It is also disgusting that you cancelled Roseanne's show for far less abhorrent behavior. I expect some action. I am hoping that you do the right thing and remove Whoopie from The View. Sincerely,