Sponsors email: TO: eknewitz@its.jnj.com;marketing_carmax@carmax.com;homewownercare@homeadvisor.com;Andrew.Topen@pfizer.com;media@progressive.com;Jeff_E_Sibel@progressive.com;barrett.graham@trivago.com;customerservice@prevagen.com;angie@lawrence-pr.com;publicrelations@homeadvisor.com;media@macys.com;Julia.austin@bloomingdales.com;julie.striderfukami@macys.com;orlando.veras@macys.com;publicrelations@carfax.com;jwitt1@lenovo.com;OfficeofCustomerAdvocacy@nationwide.com;corpcit@nationwide.com;customer.care@marriott.com;media@campbellsoup.com;mediateam.im@pg.com;Media@ford.com;consumeraffairs@hmausa.com;McDonalds.CustomerCare@us.mcd.com;rrt@we-worldwide.com;atle.erlingsson@sap.com;socialmedia@usaa.com;media@anheuser-busch.com;ndyeanderson@barclaycardus.com;support@bose.com;CorporateCommunicationsAmericas@barclays.com;Americas.IR@barclays.com;mediateam.im@pg.com;kim.hillyer@tdameritrade.com;pic.na@zebra.com;greenj1@nationwide.com;customercare@travel.nationwide.com;mediarelations@ancestry.com;press@cotyinc.com;globalmedia@visa.com;mmuecke@lenovo.com;alix.parkinson@citizenrelations.com;press.relations@danone.com;info@thenewmovement.org;mediarelations@pepsico.com;FLNAFrito-LayMediaServices@pepsico.com;gatoradecommunications@gatorade.com;denise.young@effem.com;leslie.brams-baker@effem.com Subject: Dear Sponsor's of The View Body: Dear Sponsor of The View: I am sending this email to you because I am very upset by Joy Behar's attack on Vice President Mike Pence's expression of religion. America was founded on Judeo-Christian values, freedom of religion and freedom of speech. However, Behar mocked Pence for his demonstration of his beliefs and compared it to mental illness. Her attack was vicious and foul mouthed. Because of all of the back lash, instead of apologizing, she tried to back pedal and say it was a joke. As an American citizen, I was appalled by her lack of consideration for another person's religious beliefs. I am also appalled by the double standard she promulgates because it is okay for Oprah to say that she needs to hear from Jesus, but not okay for Mike Pence to say something similar. As a result, I will not watch The View and will actively boycott the products and the services who sponsor this show. Sincerely, ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Dear ABC Email: To: elizabeth.g.hecht@abc.com;lauri.l.hogan@abc.com;janet.k.daily@abc.com;lauri.l.hogan@abc.com;ponciano.rongavilla@disney.com;Disney.ABC.Press@disney.com;info@thenewmovement.org;caragh.e.fisher@abc.com;curt.j.villarosa@abc.com;elizabeth.g.hecht@abc.com;julie.townsend@abc.com;ponciano.rongavilla@disney.com;friends@foxnews.com;robert.nunez@abc.com;van.scott@abc.com Subject: Dear ABC Body: Dear ABC, Recently on The View, Joy Behar bashed Vice President Mike Pence, stating that because he dialogues with Jesus, he suffers from a mental disorder. Rather than valuing his beliefs, Behar mocked him. Her disparaging remarks were distasteful, disgusting and despicable. Attacking the Vice President's spiritual beliefs and how he celebrates and practices his religion is a mockery of the foundation of America and the freedom of religion. As a result, she needs to go. She is attacking someone for expressing their religious beliefs. This country was founded on Judeo-Christian values which were the basis for our founding fathers when America was created. Because she received so much back lash, she "apologized" and said it was a joke. This is not a joke. It was not funny and her attempt to back pedal on her comments were absurd. As a result, I am urging you to remove her from The View. In addition, I will be boycotting her sponsors. I believe that by sponsoring The View, they also do not value Judeo-Christian values. Sincerely,